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General Motors had many divisions, such as Chevrolet, Cadillac, Oldsmobile, Pontiac and Buick. All had their good points and bad points and every one had classics. Buick has been around for decades and has amassed many a cool car. Buick always bridged the high dollar cars of Cadillac with the more down to earth offerings from Chevy but Buick had a style all its own. Buick could bring just the right amount of class into each car. Always adding a bit of flavor to spice things up. In the '50s Buick came out with some of the most stylish cars anywhere. They were big but not too big, long but not too long and they were sadly overlooked by many a classic car nut. The mid '50s brought about the age of the fin and Buick didn't disappoint. Buick built some really big and really chromed out hulks but they did so with style that many other manufacturers couldn't keep up with. But as always, no matter how much the manufacturer put into the car, there was always something that you could do to make it better. Like a lot of classic cars, Buick put a lot time into their looks and performance but forgot to put some R and D into their radios! So what will you do? Contact Vintage Car Radio! They have everything you could possibly need for your old Buick. They may have things you didn't even know you needed! They have a radio for every classic Buick. They have the best of the best when it comes to manufacturers like Custom Autosound, Ken Harrison, Radio Repro, RediRad, Stereo Conversion and Out of Sight Audio. All of the radios from the makers previously listed are high grade, top of the line radios. Get a hold of Vintage Car Radio for all your Buick needs.